Indian Intellctual Property Matters, Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

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Intellectual Property Enforcement in India
Enforcement of Trademark Rights
Before Trademark Registry- Administrative Remedy
Before Courts- Civil Remedy
Before Courts- Criminal Remedy
Procedure and punishment
Confiscation of imported goods bearing counterfeit marks
Enforcement of Patent Rights/ Patent Infringement
Patent infringement proceedings can only be initiated after Grant of patent in India but it may include claim retrospectively from the date of publication of Patent in Indian Patent Journal subject to law of limitation. Under the Limitation law does not allow action/suits in respect of matter where cause of action had arisen more than three years from the date of suit.
Appropriate forum for Patent Dispute
Acts constituting infringement of Patent Right
Defences to Infringement of Patent in India
Acts Constituting Infringement of copyright
Appropriate forum for Design Violation
Test to determine Copyright Violation/ infringement
Before Copyright Registry- Administrative Remedy
Enforcement of Copyright
Piracy of Design
Damages towards piracy of design